Como la noche y el día: Introducción
Español con pocasts 1: «El cardumen» y otros cuentos
The first lesson is about two Barcelona police officers who don't get along at all. You’ll find out why.
The second lesson continues the story about the two police officers on the streets of Barcelona in the midst of the pandemic. You will learn the expression “Caérsele el pelo a alguien” and other equally useful phrases.
The third lesson is based on a story about two families travelling through the south of Spain. You will learn the expression «¡Arreglado estoy yo!» and many more. You will also become familiar with the Andalusian accent.
The fourth continues the story of the two families. Do you know what «Ni a tiros» means? In this lesson we explain this expression and several more.
And the last lesson is also set in Barcelona and deals with a conversation in a bar between two executives of a pharmaceutical company. You will learn words and expressions related to business, as well as to alcohol and its effects.
But before you start, watch this video!
We have embedded the audioclips in mp4 format so you can take advantage of some features in YouTube.
- In the video «Cómo aprovechar al máximo el clip» (below) Miguel explains some useful tools that will help you to get the most out of the clips.
- Since native speakers talk at a very fast rate, it’s a good idea to listen more than once: for example, first with the transcription and then without. Or you can listen first and then listen again while reading the transcription. Repeat as many times as necessary until you can distinguish and understand every single word.
Hemos incrustado los clips de audio en formato mp4 para que puedas aprovechar algunas de las herramientas de YouTube.
- En el vídeo «Cómo aprovechar al máximo el clip» (abajo), Miguel explique algunas herramientas que te ayudarán a aprovechar al máximo el audio.
- Ya que los nativos hablan muy rápido, vale la pena escuchar varias veces: tal vez primero leyendo la transcripción en mano, o si prefieres ,al revés. Repite tantas veces como te haga falta hasta que puedas distinguir y entender cada palabra.