Español con cine 2: «Ocho apellidos vascos»

La historia de un amor imposible entre un joven andaluz y una joven vasca.

This course is based on several clips from a very popular Spanish movie about the unlikely romance between an Andulusian man and a Basque girl. They are so different that they could be from different planets. The movie is very funny and you will want to see the whole thing!

You can see a preview of this course here.

Este curso está basada en clips de una película española sobre un amor imposible entre un hombre aldaluz y una mujer del Páís Vasco. Tan diferentes son que podrían ser de planetas distintos. Es muy divertido y querrás ver la peli completa.

Puedes ver un avance de este curso aquí.

Listening to the audio and reading the transcript over and over and then reading the transcript out loud is an excellent way of learning a language… An awful lot of work must go into the preparation of this material and it shows. On the flip side everything is condensed and it's very intense learning. (Alan, Australia)

Course Curriculum